Start -> Grow -> Thrive!

When I wrote Start. Grow. Thrive: Build a Business to Last it was at the height of the pandemic. While the messages around seemed to be focused on survival, I was caught up with wondering what would it take to thrive?

Not just in business but in life.

While the protagonist in the book is a young man fresh out of community college, we see how his decisions and actions are underpinned by a desire to help both his mom and dad thrive too.

What does thriving look like for you?

For me, it means having the freedom to choose what work I want to do each day. It means not having a calendar that is packed with work I don’t enjoy for the sake of making money. It means having the time to connect with my children and friends no matter where in the world they are.

It has always meant for me having the flexibility to be available when there is a need. I am often guided to visit someone or call at a time when the person on the other end of the phone is in need. This is hard to achieve if my schedule is packed and my head is full of worry.

What does thriving in 2023 and beyond look like for you?

It is possible to achieve your thrive goal.

The beauty of this, is that even before reaching all of the tangible goals, you can shift your perspective to one of a thriving individual. You don’t have to move house, job, or country. It starts inside of you.

Are you ready to thrive?

Let’s talk.

I’ve set aside Wednesdays in December and January for this. Book a 60-minute coaching session now here…

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