#SundaySermon – It is Always Your Season But…

I hope this does not sound like a contradiction, but in the past, I’ve said it is always your season.

It is.

The thing is…

Not every season is the same.

We island people know we only have two seasons even if parts of the world have four. It is either rainy season or dry season. It is either time to plant or time to harvest.

The trick is knowing how to use the season to its best advantage.

The reason you may feel that it is someone else’s season and not yours is because you are looking for it to be harvest season ALL THE TIME!

Not possible.

There needs to be a PLANTING Season for there to come a HARVEST Season.

If this is your planting season get excited. Plan, plant, water, fertilize, weed, and guard your seeds planted.

If this is harvesting time then be ready to collect your fruit but be ready to protect it from the elements, from wastage and from those who make seek to steal your work.

Now the word tells us in Amos 9: 13 – Amplified Bible
“Behold, the days are coming,” says the LORD, “When the plowman shall overtake the one who gathers the harvest, And the one who treads the grapes [shall overtake] him who sows the seed [for the harvest continues until planting time]; When the mountains will drip sweet wine And all the hills shall melt [that is, everything that was once barren will overflow with streams of blessing].

Things are speeding up.
The season between your planting and harvesting is getting shorter. Be ready!

It’s always your season.

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On this blog, I share what I know and am learning about living life on purpose with my faith firmly in the finished work and grace of my Lord Jesus Christ. You can find entrepreneurship resources at www.najischool.comGoldenmediallc.com is where you can learn more about my company and what we are working on now.
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