Here are a few of the notes shared in a live webinar on Telegram this evening.
God’s instructions on work and business
Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.
Work as Worship
The stories of Bezalel (Exodus 31, 35-36) and Hiram (Huram-abi) (1 Kings 7, 2 Chronicles 2) reveal powerful lessons about creativity, skill, leadership, and divine purpose in craftsmanship.
God Honors Skill and Creativity
- Bezalel and Hiram were not priests or prophets, yet they were filled with divine wisdom to do their work.
- This shows that craftsmanship, artistry, and even technical skills are God-given gifts meant to be used for His glory.
- Modern Insight: Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, architect, or coder, your skills are just as sacred when used with purpose.
Excellence is a Spiritual Calling
- God didn’t settle for an average Tabernacle or Temple—He wanted it built with precision, beauty, and excellence.
- These men weren’t just builders; they were masters of their craft, demonstrating how true excellence honors God.
- Modern Insight: If we treat our work with excellence—whether in business, writing, music, or leadership—it becomes an act of worship.
Collaboration Leads to Greater Impact
- Bezalel was assisted by Oholiab and other skilled workers (Exodus 36:1-2).
- Hiram (Huram-abi) was sent by the King of Tyre to assist Solomon and worked alongside Israelite laborers (1 Kings 7:13-14).
- Modern Insight: The greatest creative and innovative works happen when skilled people collaborate rather than work alone.
Sacred Spaces Require Sacred Effort
- The Tabernacle and Temple were designed to be places where God’s presence dwelled.
- Their intricate details—gold overlays, fine embroidery, carved cherubim—weren’t just for decoration; they reflected the holiness of God.
- Modern Insight: When creating something meaningful (a book, a brand, an organization, or even a home), we should approach it with intentionality and reverence.
Your Work Can Outlive You
- The Temple that Hiram helped build became a national symbol of worship for centuries.
- Bezalel’s Ark of the Covenant remained central to Israel’s spiritual life long after he was gone.
- Modern Insight: The things we build—whether businesses, books, ministries, or legacies—can outlive us when we create with vision and purpose.
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