You can start over

Have you seen all the memes about January being a trial month?

I am here for it.

It can be very tough to meet all the expectations of having your year mapped out, your vision board completed, and a plan and budget for every holiday.

For most of my life I’ve been a pantser. (You know flying by the seat of my pants.)

Reacting rather than being proactive and it served me well in many situations.

Now that I am all “grown up” I have tried to be better at planning and budgeting and in some areas I’ve been able to do this.

Being a pantser loses its appeal when you find yourself on a hamster wheel. Having the same experiences over and over and expecting different results. Getting within reach of a goal but never achieving it because you didn’t have the capacity to push through.

There is merit in planning and there is merit in having a bit of faith.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Make a plan and then have faith that your plan will come together and work out for good.

You may have already broken every New Year resolution and promise you made to yourself. But guess what, today is a good day to try again.


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